Our Lives Are Not Our Own
Jeremiah 10:23 – I know Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course.
Do we know? Is it possible to comprehend the magnitude of this verse and navigate a path, without even seeing the blueprints? Is there a plan when a young girl stands desolate without hope, due to a man robbing her of her purity? Her body now appears dismembered like it was painted by Salvador Dali. Her mind is now distorted and love becomes nothing more than sewage down the pipes of a commode. Her heart is now encased in ice. Physically and emotionally she is dead. Her body is no longer her own, but a corpse walking amongst the living. Her spirit is ready to move on, BUT GOD pulls back the curtain to reveal the light. Her eyes burn and she stumbles, but she manages to reach the door. Freedom is found as she takes steps forward. Friends and family rush to aid in her walk, as God never left Ana Martinez, but enabled her to tell her story. Click here to listen http://bit.ly/1jEGXXN Amen