Never Give Up

Psalms 22:2 – Every day I call to you, my God, but you do not answer. Every night you hear my voice, but I find no relief.

When is enough, enough? When does the burden of lay offs, stressed relationships, or sustained longsuffering end? When is it time to enjoy life
and everything the world has to offer? One undeniable truth is that deep down our hearts and desires also want what the world is offering. The
debauchery, the lust, the spoils of the good life, and so on… (Btw, I hope none are shocked by that statement) When we were born, we were born into sin. Only through the blood of Christ shed for you and I were we made whole. Peace and joy filled the darkness and calmed the war, allowing our minds to focus on Christ and his word. It is there where we learned the characteristics of strength and courage. It is there where we learned strategies to defeat a quitters mindset. It is there where we learned NEVER TO GIVE UP. It is there where we can find help if/when we fall. God Bless
