Go Home

In 10 days I have flown 2,680 miles and driven 1,342 miles. Along my journey, I traveled alone, but God was with me every step of the way. I met a lot of new faces while in Texas and among the glitz and glam, the one that stood out to me was the cab driver, who some would consider insignificant, but to me was a saving grace. After getting in a car accident, I was shaken up and discouraged. I pressed on to go about my biz. While in his, cab he witnessed to me, not knowing how bad my day was, it lifted my spirit and blessed my heart. I knew at that moment that God had sent him to encourage me in my time of despair.

It was not the faces of celebrities but the everyday people that brought me hope in that moment. It was the kind valet workers just doing their job; those working behind the counters that touched my heart. While in Charlotte, it was being greeted at the hotel I usually stay at; the familiar faces and smiles at the arena that helped me feel welcomed while I was all alone. It was sitting on a park bench fellowshipping with a dear friend. It was dinner with just the girls that made me laugh! Going to work for an amazing client and his family; the lady at the deli counter; the message at church; the mending of a friendship. It was driving home blessed by a friend who gave me CD’s to minister to me while traveling. It was talking to friends and family on my long drive home that helped pass the time. The excitement to be home and kiss and hug my kids. The warmth of their warm embrace and smiling faces is priceless! Seeing Milli and Corey! Getting back into the everyday routine; dancing this morning with my 2 year-old niece in my arms to praise music. These moments can’t be bought with a price. We are not an island. We need each other to go through life. There is no place like home, but for me home is not a house. It is my family; it is Christ! I am home when I’m with Him. I am home when I’m with my kids. It’s not fancy cars, big houses, or a large bank account. It’s the simple things.

When I was young, a kid always told me, “go home Ana,” every time I saw him. This was prophetic! You may be searching for something but I tell you, “Go home!” Stop searching. He is enough. He is with you through it all. You are not alone!!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who I came across this week. You blessed my heart more than you know, and I pray God blesses you abundantly in return!!!!


Devotional Written By Ana