Submit and Reverence

Ephesians 5:21 – “….and further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”


Submit– to give or yield to the authority of another.

Reverence – to give deep respect or honor.


In each definition, the word GIVE is used to illustrate a sacrifice. Therefore, when we GIVE or YIELD, we surrender ourselvesand become vulnerable to the authority we are submitting to.However, what if we can’t submit to God’s will? We can seem to be free falling into an abyss with no end in sight. Regarding marriage, one person will not change our habits, or bring color to the grey areas of our lives. We remain lonely, depressed, and misunderstood, due to our obsession with submitting to our own wills. Has it worked? Hence, in order to find happiness, we must submit to Christ and rely on Him.  Then our habits WILL change and relationships with Christ and others will deepen. Now we understand the value of submitting and reverencing to procure strong committed relationships.  Amen

