Don’t Be Fooled

Proverbs 21:17 – Those who love pleasure become poor; those who love wine and luxury will never be rich.


Say this phrase out loud, “Esse quam videri,” which means TO BE, RATHER THAN SEEM TO BE. Matter of fact, how many of us ARE WHO WE ARE? For when we live a lie trying to keep up with appearances Proverbs 12:9 happens, “better to be an ordinary person with a servant than to be self-important but have no food.” Therefore, what is more important: obtaining those $1000.00 dollar pair of jeans you so covet, or staying within your means to have food on the table? Pleasure and the want of luxury are like an oasis in the desert. Why? Because we so desperately crave to submerge our faces in that cool refreshing water as our mouths begin to salivate. However, when we move closer to that oasis we see that it is nothing more than a mirage. So, we must not be fooled by the illusions meant to make us stumble because the end result will be hunger and destitution, and you won’t even know it. God bless.

