Keep Your Light Shining

1 Peter 2:15 – “It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.”


Where has the time gone?  Where have those with morals and values gone?  How is it that our actions are dictated through our emotions, instead of our spirituality?  How is it that God is nothing but a remnant or imaginary person to some?  When was it cool to speak irreverently of God?  When did music change from the smooth style of Marvin Gaye, to the blasphemous lyrics of Kanye West?  Why do we feel because we are free, we are able to do whatever we want (1 Peter 2:16)?  Who are you?  Do you not know that we are Gods children and were bought at a price (1 Cor 6:20)?  Therefore, what are we suppose to do when the candlelight is enveloped in the darkness?  Well friends, keep shining your light and watch others flock to your flame.  Then, before you know it, thousands of flames will be burning brightly like a city on top of a hill.  Amen

