Blessed Assurance

Psalms 119:38  -Reassure me of your promise, made to those who fear you.

“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine,” by Fanny J Crosby. If you were assured of immortality, what would you do? Would you go skydiving? Would you traverse the Sahara desert in search of hidden jewels cached beneath the sand? What if you were assured infinite wealth? Would you go to Turks and Caicos and lounge in the sun? Would you buy a yacht to navigate the 7 seas? If guarantees were possible everyone would live in bliss. However, our lives here on Earth aren’t assured, which is why our hope must be in God, who died on the cross for our sins and granted us eternal life. Too many times we seek insurance to battle the unknowns in our lives, only to find out that not everything can be covered. Therefore, seek out that long term investment plan to store and build the spiritual currency needed to garner a secured future. For the interest will triple and the blessings will rain down. Amen
